Welcome to aNm
Technology & Media We are alterNative Media. aNm is an Indigenous/Native American -owned small business that provides technical, creative, and innovative services to a global community.
Technology & Media We are alterNative Media. aNm is an Indigenous/Native American -owned small business that provides technical, creative, and innovative services to a global community.
Thanks to some back-and-forth testing, fellow developer @eLearnDevGeek and I found a successful workaround to share panoramic 360 captured via Cardboard Camera with others. First, while Google provides a great place to start, there is a tiny bit of missing information. Here is what Google says on their support site (https://support.google.com/cardboard/answer/6333620?hl=en&ref_topic=6333732): Share VR photos Cardboard Camera does […]
Some years ago I became acquainted with iSpring due to its ability to efficiently convert PowerPoint presentations and animations into Shockwave (.swf) files. At that time, there were too few tools available to perform this conversion, especially ones that allows for and retained inherent interactivity from PowerPoint to animated Shockwave, which made iSpring standout to […]
Cross-browser compatibility is a huge responsibility for those of authoring eLearning content. Not only must everything work, everything has to function in every browser configuration since the dawn of time..! Well, not really. But sometimes it may feel that way, when our clients and stakeholders request support for a specific browser or environment. Recently, I […]
As eLearning professionals know: each experience is different and – many times – requires vastly different settings. For anyone creating content in Storyline for a Learning Management System (“LMS”), has no doubt seen Storyline’s two options for reporting SCORM ‘completion’: How many slides must the learner consumeOR What score should the learner achieve – which […]
[note: first published at “eLearning Development Tech Thoughts” blog on 9/6/13.] Anyone adding audio on earlier versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, such as IE8, you doubtlessly aware of some of the pit-falls with placing/embedding MP3 audio on an HTML page, running on IE8. Sure, you can embed the MP3 file easily enough; but to play it, users […]
[note: first published on “eLearning Development Tech Thoughts” blog on 9/5/13] In my blog article, “Fun-fun-FUNctions…with IE8“, I offer a quick-fix for developers having JavaScript issues when creating content for Windows Internet Explorer 8 browser. While both the example and the workaround code is relative simple, there is a larger discussion at work here: browser compatibility. Certainly, […]
We developers love to gripe – about client special requests, internet speed, cold coffee…you name it – but we always seem to gripe about whatever tech restrictions working at the time. This holds true when programming HTML (or HTML5, if you’re lucky) for various browsers – and seems especially true when dealing with versions of […]
[note: first published at “eLearning Development Tech Thoughts” blog on 6/9/13.] main stage at mLearnCon 2013 Despite being a “first-timer” to the Mobile Learning Conference and Expo (or “mLearnCon“), I thoroughly enjoyed my time. Now that I have not only successfully attended the conference, but also given two presentations, I believe I qualify as a “seasoned veteran”. […]
[note: first published at “eLearning Development Tech Thoughts” blog on 4/12/13.] Mobile created with jQuery Mobile Sure. Despite maintaining a level of professional agnosticism (the right ‘tool’ for the job is the one that works at the time), I have my own preferences on which code to use…doesn’t everyone? But which one – jQuery Mobile or Sencha Touch – is “better” […]