My Book Now Listed at Amazon, too
Native Americans in Comic Books is also now listed at Amazon.com. You can find the listing and pre-order the book HERE.
Native Americans in Comic Books is also now listed at Amazon.com. You can find the listing and pre-order the book HERE.
My new book, “Native Americans in Comic Books: A Critical Study,” has been officially listed on the McFarland website. The hardcover, available this coming Spring 2008, will retail for around $49.95 and can be ordered from the McFarland website https://mcfarlandbooks.com/product/native-americans-in-comic-books/. Tell all your friends – or just anyone interested in either comic books or Native […]
I have a article about the Indigenous characterization in video games in the current issue of Games for Windows the Official Magazine. The article focuses Native characters in two video games, Prey and Age of Empires III (“AoEIII”). I was lucky enough to get some insider info from the game creators (Human Head and Ensemble […]
It’s been growing and gaining momentum for some time now… Native American artists and storytellers are beginning to bend new tools and technology to Our cultural needs. Throughout history we would adopt new / emerging technological advances – such as glass beads and German silver in place of natural quills and abalone shell adornments – […]
ComicMix has launched Mike Grell’s Shaman’s Tears in a completely online format. You can read the comic in their entirety, as well as others, at the ComicMix website. http://www.comicmix.com/comics Grell is one of the comic book creators I interviewed for my book, “Native Americans in Comic Books: A Critical Study.” While I have extensively reviewed […]
I recently drafted a document to give an idea of the (very) basic overall process involved in a simulation project. While I gloss over many of the more detailed processes the document provides insight into the mechanics of SIM creation, in simple terms. This document is focused towards an academic environment, but could easily be […]
Rob Schmidt (creator, Peace Party) and I have been invited you to speak as part of the programming in relation to the Montclair Art Museum (“MAM”) exhibition Reflecting Culture: The Evolution of the American Super Hero. The exhibition features a section on Native Americans in comic book both portraying stereotypical depictions, introduction of Native superheroes […]
aNm on the Road Look for us at the Anime SuperCon in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, NOV.30 – DEC. 2, 2007! alterNative Media will have a definite presence at the SuperCon this year: look for our sponsored advertisement in the official Program book as well as flyer inserts for all participants. Here is a blurb from […]
aNm Project Showcase alterNative Media recently completed work on the Official Website of the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma. aNm was contracted to design and implement a new website that would best represent the Caddo Nation headquarters. Specifically, aNm provided the following services: Initial consultation meeting to evaluate specific needs. Creation of custom Flash animated movie […]
aNm PSA I never thought I would have to say this, but… ATTENTION ALL NATIVE PEOPLE: Please stop using the “Papyrus” font on your websites, youTube videos, and ‘professionally produced’ television commercials. This font is now OVER-used by Us and, in addition (because of its calligraphic ornamental visual style), partially suggests that we Indigenous are […]