I have a article about the Indigenous characterization in video games in the current issue of Games for Windows the Official Magazine. The article focuses Native characters in two video games, Prey and Age of Empires III (“AoEIII”).
I was lucky enough to get some insider info from the game creators (Human Head and Ensemble Studios) as well as interviews with the Native American voice talent for the games, Michael Greyeyes (bonus: see my interview with Michael Horse here).
In short, the article outlines some historical stereotypes in popular media and goes on to discuss these two newer games in relation to Native American representation. Neither of these games are perfect (by ANY stretch of the imagination), but Prey and AoEII do come closer to getting it right (in some areas) than many games that have come along before them. I close by challenging us Indigenous people to get more involved in the creative process of this and all media that depicts us.
I’ve gotten some very positive feedback from the article as well as a mention at the Flash of Steel blog; so let’s hope that this article generates even more discussion. Look for the magazine on newsstands now and be sure to offer any comments or feedback after you read it.