Thanks to artist friend, America Meredith, and show Curator, Wendee Key, some of artwork was again showcased at the 14th Annual Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair, March 14th and 15th, 2009, SF County Fair Building, Golden Gate Park.
Here are some details about myself and the other artists that contributed to the art show:
You can also see a slideshow of the images I submitted to this show here:
All this, despite a (horrendously) late entry, on my behalf…
…and America Meredith spending time printing out my images…
…as well as her FedEx-ing them to the show for me.
To America and Wendee: much thanks and please accept my continued apologies and thanks for letting me be a part of this show again.
See http://sfbookfair.wordpress.com/ for more details about the event. Be sure to check out the “A Bit of History” link, as it’s immensely interesting.