How to Complete This Section


In this section, you will:


Examine the lesson plans that correspond to the video segments in this course in Review Lesson Plans.

Look at video segments highlighting successful and not so successful teaching moments in Review Magic Moments.

Watch concluding segments from the classroom and hear Ursula's parting words in View Final Comments.

Reflect and discuss the content in this section of the course, including your thoughts and reactions to the videos and the activities, in Share Ideas.

Learn About This Section

Section overview

In this section, you will have a chance to review various components of the course and hear final comments from the teachers. This concluding section focuses on:







We hope that you've enjoyed watching video segments from Ursula Goldston's classroom, and that you'll come away from this course with your own ideas and inspirations for enhancing and developing your vocabulary instruction and creating a print- and literacy-rich classroom environment.


Reviewing lesson plans.

Celebrating superb teaching.

Acknowledging that even highly skilled teachers can improve.

Sharing final thoughts about the course.

We hope you have enjoyed watching video segments from Ursula Goldston's classroom, and seeing how effective teachers:


Have a strong research-based plan.

Respond to children's cues.

Keep lessons focused and clear.

Estimated Time Allotment

It will take you approximately two hours to complete the online components of this section. Unless otherwise specified, the entire section should be completed within one weeks.

Professional Development Goals

In this concluding section, you should consider how this course addressed all the professional development goals listed in What You Will Learn in the Introduction section.