Phonological Awareness

Discover a critical piece in literacy development: Phonological Awareness

In Phonological Awareness Part I, you met the teachers and specialists featured in the course. You were introduced to video and text detailing how teachers develop children’s phonological awareness skills using playful teaching strategies and activities.   Part I discussed the importance of children developing phonological awareness during pre-school as preparation for Kindergarten.  You learned strategies to help children develop phonological awareness through listening, words in a sentence, syllables in words, onset-rime, rhyming, alliteration, and individual phonemes.

In Phonological Awareness Part II, you will learn about developmentally appropriate strategies to use in helping children grasp the more complex tasks along the phonological continuum. Part II presents formal and informal phonological awareness assessments and shows how assessment informs instruction.  You will learn strategies to use when a child needs extra support and instruction needs to be adapted.